I find I need breaks from the computer more and more, though too many of my non-computer thinking ends up making me think of neat computer projects I'd like to start. For some reason, I also thought I'd start blogging again after a break. Why? Dunno. I see lots of downsides to blogging. The main one being that there are sites that try to archive the entire internet all the time, so there's no undo. And there are no privacy settings to the archive. One must blog things that you are happy to be found in the search engines, and happy to be seen by someone, anyone, years from now, etc. Gaah.
Perhaps someone should develop an unarchivable blog? Something always ephemeral. Or at least a way to mark any specific blog item as ephemeral. Hm. Thoughts? Anyone out there? Anyone want to leave a comment from the year 2016?
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